Cargo Physical Verification

Cargo Physical Verification

LET Logistics

Cargo Physical Verification

Prior inspection is a practical tool that allows the verification or detection of any inconsistencies that the merchandise subject to import may present before customs clearance, or the verification that the merchandise physically inspected complies with the commercial invoice and other documents that support the commercial operation. According to Article 52 of Decree 1165 of 2019, the verification of the merchandise includes the review of the description, quantity, weight, nature and condition of the merchandise. For this purpose, samples of the merchandise may be taken. (DIAN – Customs Concept No. 1127 / Filing No. 904917 | September 15, 2020)

Likewise, the verification may allow detecting inconsistencies such as:

  • Merchandise exceeding those listed on the commercial invoice, and other supporting documents for the commercial operation.
  • Different merchandise.
  • Merchandise with greater weight, compared to the transport document, reception form or the update of the information in the case of an advance declaration, as the case may be.